Josh Makkaveli

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Cardboard Packaging Boxes That Could be MORE Than a Product Enfolding Container…


Packaging of any product represents brands with an opportunity to access their customers in a most direct, unhindered manner. But most brands never even realize it. They don’t really understand the importance any customer places on unboxing a product.

As a customer I can tell you one thing. The best part of a purchase is unwrapping a product and people take time savoring it, especially if it’s a thing they love. Don’t matter how small or big a product it, its unwrapping shouldn’t be a boring thing but an exciting time that only gets better when the product is finally unveiled.

Complete Branded Cardboard Packaging Experience; Show Your Customer Just How Special They Are to Your Company

When it comes to cardboard packaging boxes, many brands usually skim over the opportunity they represent. Their main concern is to keep the product secure until it reaches the end customer. But that’s...

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FIFA World Cup Has Raised The Need For Flags Printing

Printing of sports’ flags is very common in soccer fans and no doubt printed lags are perfect way to get message across the city, get prints of flag of favorite team on anything and leave imprinted dedication on opponents…

Soccer supporters are undoubtedly termed as the most enthusiastic sports fans throughout the world. Particularly during world cup season, the fervor and zeal of soccer fans gets electrified. From themed parties to screening events to road side gossips, everything abounds in soccer fever. FIFA World Cup 2014 is no exception. Besides bubbling to see their favorite team win, the next big thing on the minds of soccer lovers is to be identified with their team during the tournament.

Printed Flags Ideal for Showing Support to Respective Teams

Fans adopt several means to reveal their allegiance and support to a particular team during the tournament. A spree of T-shirts...

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